Would you like to become a Sponsor?
Bush Jitsu Limited would like to offer interested parties sponsorship opportunities.
If you, your business, or anyone you know would like to sponsor the gym, please choose from the following packages below.
Invoices can be obtained if required for business purposes.
For any further information contact
Brennan 0211740486
Annwyn 0275073037
Bush Jitsu Limited Premier Scholarships
Full scholarship for 1 Youth for 1 Year
This premier scholarship will be offered to a Northland child/youth who needs it most. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu builds self-confidence, self-awareness, humility and compassion – all in a supportive and team-based setting. The youth will be selected from names provided from schools and other sources for candidates that need help, and are not able to help themselves.
The scholarship will include
The Sponsor will receive
Sponsorships Available $1922.00 + gst
SOLD-OUT Gold Sponsorship - Training and competition Gi’s
This sponsorship will provide 10 sponsored Bush Gi’s for borrowed use in training and competitions.
You will receive
1 Sponsorship Available $2100 + gst (1 Available)
Silver Sponsorship - Bush Rash Guards
This sponsorship will provide 10 sponsored Bush Rashie’s for borrowed use in training and competitions.
You will receive
Sponsorship Available $880 + gst (1 Available)
Bronze Sponsorships - Concession Cards
This sponsorship will provide one concession card. This can be offered to a nominated person or can be offered to Bush Jitsu to follow the same procedure with schools or other opportunities as per the yearly membership sponsorship. Or if there are known individuals that would benefit from a concession card this could also be an option. The sponsor will be informed of the details of the receiving individual.
You will receive
Sponsorship Available $155 + gst